How did you start working out?
When I was in college in California in 2005, I met Joe Rogers who was preparing for a local fitness show. He saw potential in me and tried to convince me to join the show with him. I just wanted to experience it, but I didn't expect it. I ended up winning the championship. A year later, I met photographer Bill Stocker, who encouraged me to join NPC Team Universe

Where does your motivation come from?
I like to train, eat well, and work on improving my physique, so my motivation comes from enjoying what I do.

Which training method is best for you?
There is no fixed way to exercise that is best. There are different training methods at different times and under different circumstances. For my first training, I used the special Max-OT, and the effect was very good. This was my first training. During that time, this kind of training allowed me to gain a lot of muscles. In fact, I think these improvements are also There may be a reason why I just started training. After a few years, I continued to train in low-rep weight ranges, mostly with compound movements, and I stubbornly tried to keep myself going that way. It wasn't until I found that I wasn't making progress that I realized I needed to try a different training method. I started training with heavier weights, which allowed me to make progress again, and this training continued for a long time. Today I'm trying to find a good balance, so I don't think one fixed approach works best.

The following is my commonly used training combination
1: Chest, shoulders, triceps
Dumbbell bench press 4-8 times x 3 groups
Sitting machine front push 6-8 times x 3 groups
Dumbbell flat fly 8-12 times x 2 groups
Close-grip barbell bench press: 10 times, 8 times, 6 times
Cable forearm press-down: 8-12 times x 3 groups
Dumbbell lateral raise: 6-10 times x 3 groups
Cable lateral raise: 6-10 times x 2 groups
2: Hamstring muscles, calves
Deadlift: 4-8 times x 3 sets
Prone leg curl: 6-8 times x 3 groups
Inverted calf raise (sometimes alternating one leg, sometimes simultaneously): 8-14 times x 3 groups
Seated calf raise: 8-14 times x 3 groups
2: Back, biceps
Heavy hammer pull-down: 6-10 times x 3 groups
Bent-over dumbbell single-arm row: 8-12 times x 3 groups
Equipment elbow support (a special equipment): 8-12 times x 3 groups
Shoulder shrug: 8-12 times x 3 groups
Dumbbell alternating curls: 6-10 times x 3 groups
Preacher chair curl: 8-12 times x 3 groups
4: Quadriceps brachii: Abdomen
Leg press: 6-10 times x 3 groups
Barbell Squat: 6-10 times x 3 groups
Hack Squat: 6-12 reps x 3 sets
Kneeling cable abdominal push-down: 10-14 times x 3 groups
Supine leg raise: 10-14 times x 3 groups

Which method do you think can help increase muscle?Beneficial?
I don't think there is a best way, and I don't know what is 100% the best way. I think it's best to have a variety of workouts to vary between workouts to keep something fresh rather than doing the same thing all the time.

An example of a day's meal plan
1. Mashed potatoes + whey protein.
2. (After exercise) Mashed potatoes or glucose + whey protein
3. Mashed potatoes + egg white.
4. Green beans or broccoli tuna.
5. Mix green beans or broccoli + egg white + omega oil
6. Green beans or broccoli + Omega tuna oil
7. Mix green beans or broccoli + egg white + omega oil

What supplements do you use?
Mine is very basic: whey protein, creatine, alanine, branched chain amino acids, glutamine